Our geography and history students from 3rd and 4th ESO have been working through projects in this first term. They are still working on them, but they have wanted to show us the result of their work up until now. Here you will be able to see all of the interesting things they have learned throughout the process.
Students have traced a network of current conflicts in the world using wool as a way of softening all those fights, while using “post it” of the same colour to show information on the origin, development and consequences of those conflicts. Unfortunately, it's not finished yet!!!
The third-year ESO students have been traveling throughout Asia and America this term. As a result of their discoveries there is this Sways’ collection that has turned out to be a wonderful manual of political geography.
With Sway, students have worked online in class and at home. In addition, with guided searches on the Internet, they have developed new strategies while learning about our world almost without realizing it.
I hope you like them!!!!
Our travelers have prepared a guide for your travel including from the cost of the flight and the different means of transportation that are needed to the resorts, climate and type of people you'll find in this new adventure and even a proposal of hosting!
Come on! Come with us to Africa! Click on the LINKS to see more:
1) When we started the course we already knew that things were about conflicts, but we didn't imagine that we were going to get involved in all those revolutions! We have been history reporters and that is how we have narrated the French Revolution through some podcasts through Spreaker. Watch out for the guillotine!!
Jimena y Alejandra Romero Vélez
Sofía del Coso y Alejandra Elena
Omar García y Laura Rodríguez
Eva Fernández y Celia López
Jaime González and María Portaña
Eva Fernández y Celia López
Rafael Fernández y Jesús
Lucía Vela y Roxana Lacatos
Sofía Salinas y Paula Aguilar
2) If we thought that everything had ended after the French Revolution, we got fully involved with the 20’, 30’ and 48’s liberal revolutions. On the street, we got into the role of revolutionaries creating manifestos with the demands of those who fought to make a more peaceful, fair and equal world with more rights. Read them and convince yourself.
Don't look at us, join us!!
3) Nationalism meant ruptures and unions. Germany and Italy became states in the midst of nationalist echoes in the mid-19th century. But how do we adapt all this gibberish to the 21st century? Very easy, doing it with something that is very familiar to us: EMOTICONCEPTS!!!!
The bad news is that teacher Consoli didn’t understand very well our emoticoncepts and we had to explain them OUT LOUD!
4) We debate! Thanks Zu! who acted as a moderator in a round table on the Industrial Revolution.
And in this link we’ll share our summaries. Cooperative work!
5) Don’t forget art and take a tour of our virtual museum of Contemporary Art. Read the QR code or click on the link.
Congratulations to all these students for the hard-work they have done this term. Keep on making all this effort to learn! Can't wait to see what's next.