The school year has started and bilingual students are already immersed in their learning process. Sometimes we associate the learning of history with memorising dates, treaties, etc. But it doesn't have to be like that. Our students from the second and third year of ESO have been learning about different historical periods on a different way.
2nd grade (D) students
They have made an oral exposition on the Byzantine empire. For doing this, they have created a visual vocabulary explanation which has supported their speeches.
They have learnt new things while having fun!
3rd grade (C) students
Our students travelled back in time to report what happened in times of Christopher Columbus.
But they did it in the most original way. By using a website (, they were able to create articles from a newspaper about the historical events happening at the time.
Can you imagine a newspaper from the fifteenth century? Our students have created one.
To continue with their research on modern history, the students have created mind maps that are very helpful to understand the connections among all the historical events. Click on the image and click on "Play" to see what they have done.
Students from group A of the second year of ESO have also done a project about feudalism that has ended up in a video performing a ceremony, in which each student acts as a different member of medieval society.
Once more, we can see that the students in our high school really enjoy their learning.