Following up on the success of our project from last year "Put your Math Glasses On!"...
Students and teachers of “bilingual Maths” are involved on a new eTwinning project with more than ten European high schools.

This year, our project is called "Mathematization” and we are trying to find a practical use of Maths in real life. We will develop a love for Mathematics too, by learning in different ways and exchanging experiences among European students.
Here are some of the exciting activities that our students have experienced on our Maths project “Mathematization”:
● Filming a video introduction about our high school, which you could see in a previous post.
●"Exploding dots" experience with more than 5.000.000 people during the "The Global Maths' Week".
●Mystery Skype Meetings: By guessing the country, we improve our English communication skills and also laugh a lot together.

Our project is called "Mathematization” and we are trying to find a practical use of Maths in real life.
● Creating our mascot.
IES Bernardo de Balbuena has taken part in a mascot contest, with the honour of submitting Lacasito and Rodrigo to the contest.
● Create a logo for the project.
While we are woking on our mascots and logos, there is another task waiting for us: Each team has to find an important monument or building in their city and find out if it has the golden section!!