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Updated: Dec 20, 2020

It's a new school year, and the Maths department has started a new eTwinning project that our students from 2nd ESO are going to share with students from different European countries.

The main idea of this project is to connect the world around us with the main topics from Geometry through Architecture, Outdoor Math, Art, History, Cultural heritage, Global citizenship, and Minecraft.

​Our students have already done different activities which belong to the first topic of the project, Straight lines - Points. Thus, they have created this sway with photos from our town showing lines and points.

Learning takes place not only in the classroom, but also in our students' everyday life. To show this, they have also created a shared presentation including objects of the house from a geometrical perspective.

But this is just the beginning. They still have plenty of activities to do during the year. Are you interested to know more about them? Check their teacher's blog for more details.

Our students are really lucky to have this opportunity to learn maths from a different perspective while sharing all this learning with students from other parts of the world.


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