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Podcasts with The Netherlands

During the last term of this school year, our 4th-year students have been working on a project with students from another high school in The Netherlands, which has had as a result podcasts with both a Spanish and a Dutch student talking and exchanging opinions about different topics.

This has been an interdisciplinary activity, as students have been working on the project both in their Geography and History lessons and in their English lessons. The idea was to reflect on different historical aspects that were being analysed in the History lessons about the second half of the twentieth century, concerning nationalism or the cold war, and how this period has led to the current world situation, with a war going on between Ukraine and Russia.

With this and other topics in mind - welfare state, education, extreme political ideologies -, students were preparing questions in their English lessons, so that they could ask them to their Dutch project mates and produce podcasts including an interview and a discussion about these topics and comparing the situations in Spain and The Netherlands.

This has been an excellent opportunity for our students to produce real English in an actual and spontaneous situation, in which they have been able to communicate with students from another country. Moreover, they have reflected on cultural differences, but they have also realised that we have many things in common with The Netherlands, such as our grading system in education, for example.

Both teachers and students are content with the result of this initiative, and are willing to try again next year. We hope that we are able to engage in another podcast project with our mates from The Netherlands next school year.

There are twelve fantastic podcasts, which definitely deserve being listened to, but because they are very long, here we are showing you an extract of one of them. Thanks so much to the students for all the effort they have put into the project.



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