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Speaking English in class

Using English in class is essential to improve the students' communicative competence. Apart from that, it is important that they lose their fear of speaking in front of their class as soon as possible. That is why first-year students have been doing different projects to be presented to their classmates using spoken English.

Thus, group C prepared riddles about Halloween characters and traditions. They read them to the rest of students in class and they had to guess what the solution was. Here are some of the riddles they created:

On December 9th, we commemorate human rights. First-year students reflected on the situation of children and also adults and used the comparatives to see the differences between developed and underdeveloped countries of the world. After that, they made projects about these differences also showing human rights. Here are their projects:

Oh no! First-year students have lost their pets! They have prepared posters describing their missing animals. Can you help them find their lovely pets?

These are three excellent activities to motivate our first-year students to use spoken English in the class. Even shier students are willing to talk about these interesting topics that are connected to their everyday lives. We try to encourage them to keep on using English as much as possible in and outside the classroom.



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