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The ABC of Mathematicians

Updated: Jan 20, 2022

This year, the Maths department is involved in a new eTwinning project: The ABC of Mathematicians.

In this project, the students from 1º C have researched on some of the discoveries and contributions of mathematicians throughout history with students from different European countries.

In addition to researching on the history of mathematics, the students can develop digital skills, multilingual competencies, and various soft skills such as collaboration, communication and teamwork. They will also learn about other European cultures.

If you are interested in knowing more about the first steps in the project, you may use these links:

● Students introduction(collaborative activity using Linoit)

● Design and choice of the project logo (collaborative activity using Padlet)

The last week of the term, despite the obstacles of this year, we worked in groups digitally (using Google Slide) and we approached the life and achievements of three great mathematicians: Erathostenes, Thales and Fibonacci.

In these links you can see the work we have done:

During the researching project, some students worked with the sieve of Erathostenes, others were amazed by Fibonacci's spiral, others tried to understand Thales' theorem, they also discovered the relation of beauty with the golden number…

In the second term, each group will show these wonderful contributions to their classmates and we will all do the quizzes and games developed by the different members of the project to check what we have learnt.

You can check Elisa's blog for upcoming activities and the work of the other European students.



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