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With this activity we want to invite the 4th year ESO students of the bilingual programme to reflect on the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, a historical event that is especially interesting to be compared to our present reality of covid 19.

Imagine you were born around 1900 and you are experiencing a wide variety of historical events: First World War I, the outbreak of the Russian Revolution and later the development of the Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918. What a way to start the century!

In this activity you will be a person, man or woman of the age of your choice who lives in 1918. You will have to write a short story in which you must tell about one or more days in your life or the story of your life, writing about your experiences and the events that have marked your life. You can also write your story in the form of a letter, as if you were writing from the front line to your girlfriend or, from the hospital, the factory, or any other situation. You should put yourself in the place of your character and imagine how the events of 1918 affect your daily life. What differences do you find between the pandemic of 1918 and the current one?



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